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There Isn't Just One Way To Adopt Solar Power At Your Home

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When people think about solar power, they often picture massive arrays of panels. This is the sort of production-maximizing configuration that electric companies use, but it's far from the only way to make use of solar energy. Let's look at why different configurations are possible, what they are, and whether you might want to consider one of them.

Production, Storage, and Usage

The main reason there are different ways to leverage the power of the sun is that they are different ways to produce, store, and use it. While people tend to focus on photovoltaic panels, for example, there are solar water-heating systems, too. On the storage side, there are many types of batteries. You can use solar power immediately or save it.

Returning Power to the Electrical Grid

One of the most talked-about benefits of solar panel is that you can feed electricity back to the grid. The goal of this approach is to lower your bills. Some companies even give rebates. A bonus is that this makes your electricity production more environmentally friendly.

However, you should check with the electric company to see if they offer rebates to customers who send more back to the grid than they take out. This can be ideal for folks who might only get enough electricity at their locations during the summer to obtain rebates.

Backup Power

Not every location provides sufficient solar power to sustain a family's needs all the time. Some folks in this situation elect to use battery storage primarily as a backup power solution. This means they're not constantly draining the batteries during the night hours. They can still feed surplus electricity back to the grid, though. If you're not wild about a gasoline or natural gas generator, this provides an excellent alternative.

Backup solar energy requires a bit more electrical work than the alternatives. As is the case with generators, you'll need an electrical panel that can switch to the backup when the main power goes out.

Going Off the Grid

This is the all-in solution. In this setup, you'll need enough batteries to store power until the sun comes back out. Likewise, you'll want to install enough panels to produce sufficient electricity to charge the batteries.

These configurations require regular checkups to ensure they're running efficiently. You will need to replace panels and batteries quickly if production falls.

Similarly, these solar setups require significant planning. You'll need to determine your consumption levels and compare them to the available solar energy at your location on the shortest and grayest days of the year. A solar company in your area like Tekton Power and Technology can help you plan the most effective setup for your home.
